Upsonic Server is designed to work with read and write permissions on the API. Additionally, the dashboard gathers information from the API using the access key of the logged-in user. Therefore, you must set READ and WRITEpermissions to gather information and perform operations, including dump & load functions.

Additionally, we have enabled and is_admin booleans, and the *admins doesnt have any limits , so you must be careful about that. When you disable a user, the user will lose all permissions. After disabling, everything reverts to the default configuration and permissions.

Viewing the users

You can perform enable, disable, set_admin, unset_admin operations, and delete operations as well. Additionally, for tasks like viewing access keys and changing passwords, you can use the edit button.

You cannot make any changes or deletions to the Robust Admin. It is defined from the beginning in the configuration.

Editing a user

When you click on Edit, you will see this section where you can perform the following operations:

  • Change name, surname, and username

  • Change password

  • Add or remove read permissions to libraries

  • Add or remove write permissions to libraries


Upsonic Server has scope-based permissions for easy management and onboarding. When you add math.sum to the read scopes of a user, the user can easily read and retrieve the function. Write permissions are also similar to reads; when granted, the user can make dumps. Additionally, we support the asterisk (*) wildcard, so when you use math.* for a user, the user will have permissions for all sub-elements of math.

If you see a ‘None’ document for an element in libraries, it is due to permissions. Users should try clicking on the element, and after the first click, the system will generate the document in the backend.