Upsonic Server consists of two subsystems: the Dashboard and the API. Both systems run in a single container and connect internally. This document guides you through the installation and execution of the container without any issues.

To get started, you will need:

  • The latest version of Docker installed and functioning properly
  • TCP ports 7341 and 7340 ready for use


First, we will create a volume to store everything:

docker volume create upsonic_on_prem_data

Setting .env

nano .env
admin_key=YOUR_ADMIN_KEY_FOR_API # 123
admin_username=YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME #upsonic_admin

after adjusting the settings, you can exit by pressing Ctrl+X, then confirming with ‘Y’ and pressing Enter.

Now, let’s proceed with the download, installation, and execution of the Upsonic Server container:

docker run --env-file .env -d -p 7341:7341 -p 7340:7340 --name upsonic_on_prem --restart=always -v upsonic_on_prem_data:/db upsonic/on-prem:v0.30.7-AMD64

After that, you should see:

root@server:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND          CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                           NAMES
918a4c74185a   upsonic/on-prem   "bash /"   11 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds>7340-7341/tcp, :::7340-7341->7340-7341/tcp   upsonic_on_prem

Suggested Version

As you can observe, we are recommending a specific version, v0.30.7. This recommendation is based on our functionality testing and stability analysis.

If you wish to explore other versions, please visit the Release Notes page.

Extra Options

Limiting Model CPU usage

Limiting model CPU usage is improves the general performance of application. Because if you dont specify anything the model can take whole CPU to making analyses. But with this env variable you can limit how many CPU core that you want to give to model:


Logging In

Now, you can access your Upsonic Server via localhost or any other method of accessing your server:
