Upsonic v0.25.0

Supported client version: 0.28.0

Deep Analyze for Run History

With this release we just increase functionality of run history elements. image image

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.25.0

Upsonic v0.24.0

Supported client version: 0.27.0

Dump Together [NEW]

Added dump_together for improved reliability and speed. With this the dump operation is complete with only one request.

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.24.0

Upsonic v0.23.0

Supported client version: 0.26.0

Dependency Graph [NEW]

In this version, we add a dependency analysis system in the backend and a frontend page. With this, you can analyze the dependent object and the object whose dependent currently object. image

Events [NEW]

Now you can see the events of a user. Currently just dumps but we will increase the events in the next versions. image

LLM Proxy [NEW]

With this version, we just add an infrastructure for future agent systems. Now you can connect OpenAI and Ollama over the Upsonic container.

Some UI improvements

We just fix the run history, users, scopes tables view.

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.23.0

Upsonic v0.22.3

Supported client version: 0.25.0

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.22.3

Upsonic v0.22.2

Supported client version: 0.25.0

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.22.2

Upsonic v0.22.1

Supported client version: 0.25.0

Light Mode [NEW]

In this release we just happy to share our Light Mode. You can easily switch with left bottom button. Frame 4

Code Styling

Now we have a code styling for more good experience and view. image

Custom Commit Messages

With this release you will be able to use custom commit messages via Upsonic Client 0.25.0 version.

def sum(a, b):
    return a + b

upsonic.dump("math.sum", sum, message="Added math.sum function")

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.22.1

Upsonic v0.22.0

Automatic Updates with Each Dump Operations [NEW]

In this release we just complete our documentation lifecycle system. Now we are updating the documentations in each update. So you don’t need regenerate buttons or anything more.

Your captain speaking, your all auto documents are now up do date ! :nerd_face: ’

Added Detailed Commit View and Auto Commit Message [NEW]

With this release we just show the commit date, difference and auto generated commit message. Your well designed version control system is ready on your server with low costs. :dollar: image image

Added Auto Release Note [NEW]

Just like auto commit messages now we have auto release notes as well. We are working for providing everything that can be make with LLM’s :rocket: image

Switched to Llama 3

Good bye Gemma, thanks for everything. :handshake:

Designer (1)

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.22.0

Upsonic v0.21.0

GitHub Sync Ability [NEW]

In this release, we just added an initial GitHub Sync support. With this, all of your operations in Upsonic are mirrored to your GitHub repo immediately. image image

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.21.0

Upsonic v0.20.0

Version Control and Commit History [NEW]

The version control ability update 🚀. In this release we introduce the version control and commit history. Also we have a bug fix for regenerating documentation situation.

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.20.0

Upsonic v0.19.2

In this release we changed our default ports to 7341 (dashboard) and 7340 (api). Also we added some systems for next version control system. And parallel AI tasks limit feature added for solving some bugs.

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.19.2

Upsonic v0.19.1

In this release we made some fixes for Readme Generation.

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.19.1

Upsonic v0.19.0

Automatic Readme Generation [NEW]

In this version we added automatic Readme generation for all top modules and sub modules. The Readme also regenerate in changes. You can see the Explanation and Use Cases.

image image

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…v0.19.0

Upsonic v0.18.0

Search Mechanism [New]

In this version we just added a search infrastructure to easily find anything with your question.

For this we are using embedding search infrastructure with ollama. You can access and get results by your read permissions and going with just clicking.


  • Minimum Score Threshold: Users can specify a minimum score for search results, ensuring that only the most relevant documentation is returned. The closer it is to 1, the more relevant it is.
  • Result Limit: To manage the volume of information, users have the option to limit the number of results returned by the search.

OpenAI Model Support [New]

With this version we just add a ability to use gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4 instead of gemma-2b model.

For this you just need to add env variabes:

  • openai_api_key
  • default_model