Core Installation from pip

GCA written in Python so you can start an configurable development envinronment via pip python package manager.

pip install `gpt-computer-assistant[base]`
pip install 'gpt-computer-assistant[api]'

After installation you should start the api and able to see GUI.

computerassistant --api

You’ll need Python 3.10 or 3.11. Run python --version to check yours.

For this requirement we suggest to use Conda Navigator


In GCA we develop an core system and additionaly features that can help in some cases. So you can chose and install any specific extension.

Agentic ability

pip install 'gpt-computer-assistant[agentic]'

Local TTS ability

pip install 'gpt-computer-assistant[local_tts]'

Local STT ability

pip install 'gpt-computer-assistant[local_stt]'

Wake Word

pip install 'gpt-computer-assistant[wakeword]'

Model Settings

You should customize your LLM, STT and TTS settings.